Tautoko te iwi, awhinatia te katoa, whakahokia ki tō tātou iwi – 

We empower the community to navigate challenges and strengthen whānau capability.

About us

Te Roopu a Iwi o Te Arawa received certification of incorporation under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 on the 29 June 1988. A hui was held with koeke from the 8 hapū of Te Arawa, who agreed to mandate the organisation to deliver social services to the people living in the rohe of Te Arawa.

Te Roopu a Iwi o Te Arawa was approved in 1996 as a s 396, s 403 (Children Young Persons and their Families Act 1989) Iwi Māori Social Service provider with the ability to deliver services and programmes to the community.


Taumata kē atu – Whānau thriving today, tomorrow and into the future


Tautoko te Iwi, awhinatia te katoa, whakahokia ki tō tātou Iwi


Ahurea, Whakamanawa, Hononga & Iwi

Nga Kaimahi-Our Staff


Mary Corbett – General Manager
Christine Corbett – Operations Manager
Caroline Taute – Te Pae Oranga Team Lead
Tukairangi Semmens – Youth Service Team Lead

Rangatahi Services
Youth Workers

Darcy Hunt
Jackie Watene
Pesini Tavake
Raniera King

Atamira Walker


Te Pae Oranga – Iwi Community Panel


Renee Dudley
Jaylene Raukawa 
Tania Fitzell


Whānau Ora

Kerrianne Tamou 

Henare Pirika

Te Hoi Waara

Te Mahurutanga 

Fred Haumaha


Kaitiaki Tari


Atareta Doctor



Te Pae Oranga – Iwi Community Panel

An iwi-based response to crime that aims to hold offenders to account for their offending and, as far as possible, repair the harm they have done to the victim and the community, and reduce the chance of their reoffending. Te Pae Oranga is a supported resolution process for low-level offenders focusing on education, prevention, and accountability.


Police can refer a participant to Te Pae Oranga if they are aged 17 years or over, the offence carries six months’ imprisonment or less (and is not an offence related to family violence or methamphetamine use) and the participant admits guilt. Police have full discretion as to whether they choose to refer to Te Pae Oranga as opposed to diversion or court.

Whānau Ora Navigator (Paeārahi)

The role of our Paeārahi or Navigators is to work with whānau to identify their needs and aspirations. They work alongside whānau to support their participation in education, primary health and employment, and coordinate access to specialist services.

Whānau empowerment

Whānau Ora is a whānau-centred approach to empowering whānau to achieve better health, education, housing, skills development and economic outcomes. Whānau Ora is for everyone.


Whānau Ora puts whānau at the centre of decision-making about the services and opportunities they need and how they access them.

Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective

We are one of seven Rotorua-based health/social service providers who make up the Te Arawa Whānau Ora Collective.

Youth Services


Our Mentoring Programme provides individualised and intensive support to children and young people to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Our programme aims to:

  • Provide positive guidance
  • Improve educational and employment opportunities
  • Increase community participation
  • Reduce levels of offending.

Supported Bail

Supported Bail is a community-based alternative for children and young people who would otherwise be detained on remand in an Oranga Tamariki Youth Justice Residence or Remand Home.
Our programme aims to:

  • Support whānau to enable them to understand the court proceedings
  • Monitor and supervise rangatahi
  • Advocate for rangatahi where necessary
  • Connect rangatahi with their community.

The programme is tailored to the needs of each rangatahi and their whānau and is delivered at times when rangatahi are at risk of breaching their bail conditions or when whānau require specific support. Referrals for this programme are made by Oranga Tamariki.

Te Kooti Rangatahi

Te Kooti Rangatahi operates in the same way as the Youth Court but are held on marae and follow Māori cultural processes. Te Kooti Rangatahi is designed to help young Māori to engage in the youth justice process. They are also designed to better involve Māori whānau and communities in the youth justice process. The courts work within the Youth Court legal structure. The same laws and consequences apply as they would in the Youth Court.

Te Kooti Rangatahi is for young people who have admitted the charges they are facing. After the Family Group Conference (FGC) has decided on a plan for how the young person can take responsibility for what they did, as well as working out how to make sure the young person does not offend again, the young person may be given the opportunity to have this plan monitored by the Rangatahi Court. Only young people who have not denied the charge against them may go to Te Kooti Rangatahi. Te Kooti Rangatahi supports tikanga Māori but is not exclusively for Māori youth.

Contact Us

Tarewa Pounamu Marae, 26 Tarewa Rd, Rotorua 3010